
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Blogger Virgin

So, I'm what you would call a Blogger virgin.  We'll go slow and see where it takes us.  I also babble a bit so, ya know, try and keep up Sparky.  Warped sense of humor on board.  You are Fore warned.

   To introduce myself: I'm a weirdo art freak and micro tech geek and I am here to amuse.  I'm an unemployed College Student/ Professional Photographer on the verge... of something.  Hopefully good things, like clients, or recognition or a winning lotto ticket.  I also do a spot of painting (house and portrait), charcoals and pencil are my fav modes of paper decoration.  I may post a few images, we'll see.  Hey, we just met so I won't show you my stuff until I'm ready.   Bet you've heard that before.  

    What is a micro tech geek, you ask?  It's my pet word for a person who is intermediate to almost advanced in tech speak, tech trends, computer and electronic technology and software.  Someone who is MILDLY technologically evolved, but TOTALLY turned on by words like "gadget",  "widget", "html code",  "digital",  "upgrade", "Kevin Rose", and .... (deep breath here, whisper the words) "Adobe CS...whatever".  Oh YEAH!

  Sorry, little carried away.  (clearing throat) 
  What I know is mostly self-taught or taught by tutorials via HP Learning Center, You tube, photo and tech forums and sites.  And I will continue to learn.  There is a lot out there if you want it.  It's as easy and close as a google search and filling out a simple form.  The only real limitation is you.  Whoo-hoo pep-talk!

  I could spend all day fixing your computer (no pun intended), installing your stereo system, or photographing you trying to do it yourself (again, no pun intended.  Please do not contact me to photograph you... doing it yourself).  And I would be happy.  Now you understand the weirdo part.  That is, um, if you didn't get it before.  Now I won't just blog about art and tech but, ya know, other stuff. I may just rant occasionally.  I hope that's okay because, well, I don't really care if you like what I have to say or not.  Change the page.


Faith D.

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