I just got my new remote flash in and decided to take a few low light photos. As you know, low light makes most photos look like poo, even with a flash sometimes. The problem is, you can't possibly hold the camera steady enough to not blur or develop some grain in your low light photos. Or you end up drowning out the picture with a flash that is too bright.
Of course, there are new pocket cameras out that have special low light settings, but since I (mostly) use my DSLR, I have to go another route to get natural looking lighting for low light. I use a manual setting and a low aperture f5 and ISO 100. I use a tripod and remote flash trigger to minimize shaking. The two don't cost much and if you want to get some beautiful night shots and night cityscapes, they are the best way to go.
I'm trying to photograph something everyday. I started a small project on strawberries. I'm playing around with textures and light and, photo manipulation of color. Tell me what you think:
I'm going to try water and liquids next. I want to see if I can get a drip effect with a wet strawberry.
Any suggestions?
Of course, there are new pocket cameras out that have special low light settings, but since I (mostly) use my DSLR, I have to go another route to get natural looking lighting for low light. I use a manual setting and a low aperture f5 and ISO 100. I use a tripod and remote flash trigger to minimize shaking. The two don't cost much and if you want to get some beautiful night shots and night cityscapes, they are the best way to go.
I'm trying to photograph something everyday. I started a small project on strawberries. I'm playing around with textures and light and, photo manipulation of color. Tell me what you think:
I'm going to try water and liquids next. I want to see if I can get a drip effect with a wet strawberry.
Any suggestions?
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