
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Software Downloads, Free?

Yes, I said Free!  There was a time that your basic software cost an arm and two legs to download.  Most of us know of a piece of software or a program we wanted to try out but didn't have the money to spend on something that we may not even use.  But, no more.  You see, there are a lot of people on the web who are just as broke as the rest of us, but have the skills to create open source versions  or replacements or freeware of those very costly programs that we love and want, but can't afford.  

     Open Source means that anyone with a knowledge of coding can join in and add their two cents on the project if they can find a way to make it better.  Open Source projects also generally allow you to save your work in the format of that program you couldn't afford.  IE. Write a paper in Open Source format and save it in Word (.doc or .rtf).  Open Source is a wonderful, wonderful thing.  I stumbled upon a few of these delightful programs in my search for more affordable word processing software and found that there is a wealth of stellar freeware out there.  Photo alteration, music editing, word processing, and even architectual design. I invite you to join me in my exploration of FREE software. 

Open Office- Open Source Project that is compatible with the Microsoft Office Suite.  Includes word processing, spreadsheets, calculator, database, etc.
Download from CNET

GIMP- Open Source Project that is comparable to Adobe PhotoShop; Photo manipulation and creation.  There is a portable version available as well
Download from CNET

Scribus- Open Source desktop publishing/ award-winning professional page layouts
Download from CNET

AVG Free Anti-Virus Protection-  There is a paid and free version.  Both are supposed to be very good.  You be the judge.
Download from CNET

Avast Free Anti-Virus Protection- More than 100,000,000 people downloaded this free anti-virus.  Check it out.
Download at CNET

Game Maker- Basic video game creator.  Yes, you too can make your own games for free!  Tutorials, backgrounds, sprites, and example games to help you along.
Download on CNET

ToneThis Ringtone Maker- Create your own ringtones from items you find on the web. 

Audacity-  Cut, edit, record and mix your own sound, songs, and ringtones.  they even have a portable version
Download at CNET

1 comment:

eBook and software download said...

It's a great thing that a software can be easily downloaded from certain safe websites. So cool that you can download almost everything that you need.

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